In order to determine the best treatment for fractured teeth, physical and radiographic evaluations are essential. Once the patient is anaesthetized, physical evaluation can be performed on the fractured teeth using a dental explorer and a periodontal probe. In order to complete the evaluation process, dental radiographs of the fractured tooth will be obtained.
Once the assessment has been completed there will likely be different options for treatment, including extractions, restorations, or endodontics.
Extractions will be done if the root is not healthy enough for an endodontic treatment, if the tooth is severely damaged or if the client chooses extraction over endodontic treatment.
Extractions are performed by our Board Certified Dental Specialist. Typically pre and post radiographs are obtained during the procedure. Extraction sites are closed with a suture material that dissolves in 15-21 days. Our doctors recommend a 7 day follow up recheck to ensure the extraction site is healing well and is healthy. Pain management will be sent home with the pet and the doctor may also send antibiotics if necessary.
Click here for more information on endodontic treatments.